Some Riddles To Ponder...

Q: Put this in a barrel, and the barrel gets lighter. What is it?

Q: You are a bus driver. At stop #1, 10 people get on. As the bus keeps going, 8 people get off, and 2 people get on. 1 person gets off and 7 people get on. 4 people get off and 6 people get on. 5 people get off and 3 people get on. Now tell me, what color are the bus driver's eyes?

Q: An electric train is moving east at 80 mph. The wind is blowing west at 40 mph. Which way does the smoke blow?

Q: There are 9 fish in a pond, and 3 drown. How many fish are left alive?

Q: Bobby rides his bike to school. On his way to school, he rides up hill. On his way home, he rides uphill to the Same house. How is this possible?

Q: This occurs twice in a week, not in a month, and once in a year.

Q: I am a king, but I also measure. What am I?

Q: What do you get when you combine a bird, car, and a dog?

Q: How many animals of each kind did Moses put on his ark?

Q: A woman had two daughters who were born at the exact same time down to the minute. They weren't twins. How is this possible?

Q: Why are 1990 U.S. dollar bills worth more thann 1989 U.S. dollar bills?

Q: In my hand I have two coins that add up to 55 cents. One isn't a nickel. What are the 2 coins?

Q: I got it in the woods, but I didnt want it. When I got it, I couldn't see it. I looked for it but I couldn't find it. The more I looked, the less I wanted it. I took it home in my hand because I couldn't find it.

Q: The more you have of it, the less you can see. What is it?

Q: The more it dries, the wetter it gets. What is it?

Q: What word in the english language is most frequently spelled wrong?

Q: If you drop this from a 80 story building, it doesnt break. Put it in the ocean, and it will. What is it?

Q: I knew a man that fell off an 80 foot ladder, but he wasn't hurt. How is this possible?

Find out what the capital letters stand for. (EX: 8 L on a S = 8 'LEGS' on a 'SPIDER')
Q: 26 L in the A

Q: 13 S on the AF

Q: 9 S on a TTTB

Q: 88 K on a P

Q: 5 F on a H

Q: 50 S on the AF

Q: 52 C in a D

Q: 4 S on a S

Q: 21 D on a D

Q: 25 C in a Q

Q: 2 J in a DOC

Q: 2000 P in a T

Q: 3 F in a Y

Q: 12 I in a F

Q: 100 Y in a FF

Q: 16 O in a P

Now, this whole section is directly from the NIEHS kids pages.  What you are trying to do here is derive a common word or phrase from the picture you see.  For example, the first answer is 'ill in bed' because the word 'ill' is inside the word 'bed'. Get it? Hope so.


9 S 2 A 5 F 4 E 1 T 8 Y 6

a line above the word READ, another line under READ

L I P S t i p t o e L I P S

w o n a l i c e d e r l a n d

the letters m e r r y written in a circle

the word settle written at the bottom of the block

the word thanks written eight times

C O V E R with an arrow pointing to the space below it

T O O T H  written in increasingly larger letters

e  over k over a over m

f l u b a d e n c e

the word meal appears 4 times in a square shape

o t w o n e

camping appears above night

drive appears in a circular shape 4 times

the word ring appears in a circular shape around rose e

e l s e v e n

s t e f r a n k i n

the word turn shaped like u

the word meal is centered on a scale

the word chair is placed at the very top of the box

the word scope is written in very small letters